Do you want a million dollars? Have you ever had a million dollars of cold, liquid, hard cash? Let’s face it, a million dollars won’t get you as far today as it used to. Fidelity Investments recently did a survey of multi-millionaires and found the following 7 secrets to be true.
1- Secret No. 1 is that you first have to decide that you want to be a self-made multi-millionaire. To be financially free you must make a decision to be so. This is a decision that only you can make for yourself. No one else can make this decision for you. Don’t worry about figuring out the ‘HOW TO’ make the 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 millions at this point. You simply make a decision first. Decisions come first, then the answers. Not the other way around. Once you make your firm decision to be a multi-millionaire, then the answers will come.
This decision should be a firm, unshakeable one that does not allow turning back when you face obstacles. Not a hope, or wish, or affirmation, but a firm stick-to-it decision.
2- Secret No. 2 is to rid yourself of poverty thinking. If you come from a not so well off, or poor background, this may be a lot more difficult for you than others. Think about this for a second. There is no shortage of money on this planet. Only a shortage of people who feel they are not entitled to abundance or wealth. Real wealth and abundance is not created from an attitude of lack, or not enough to go around. You do have a choice in your thinking. If you want multi-millions, then let go of the lack mentality.